It would be fantastic if you could provide a built package for easier consumption, is that on the cards? You could even just host it out of Dropbox or something to get started.
I love this package, it's fantastic. I was wondering if you had any plans to extend it to 4-way venns as well. (Or know of a good python package for that?) As far as I know, proportional 4-way…
Hey @larsjanssen6 and once again, thank you for your great package!
I was wondering, if there's any chance you'd have a Vue 3 update planned. It would be fantastic if you did.
Please share your …
This is a feature request asking for using the same library that npm internally uses, and checking against the npm package database, to see if it triggers "too similar to existing package".
The MXNet team has released some fantastic packages (_e.g.,_ GlounCV and GluonNLP). Does the MXNet team has any plan for _speech_? I mean something like _GlounSpeech_ which focus on deep learning-base…
First off, this is a fantastic package.
One thing I could really use for my project is an additional aggregatedDesktopReport alongside the existing aggregatedMobileReport. Is there a way to get tha…
Thanks for the package it is fantastic!
I am having a slight problem. I have two forms on one page but its only letting me use reCaptcha once. Any solutions?
It seems as if this code has an npm package description, but is not published to npm.
Would also be fantastic if this package would support ES 6 module imports. At the moment, I have to tweak it ma…
Tracking issue.
If we don't plan to do this relatively soon, let's close. But I hear we have this code. :)
### Which package(s) are affected?
Lit Core (lit / lit-html / lit-element / reactive-element)
### Description
I am indirectly using lit through some other package and always get the 'Lit is running…