I have successfully compiled it on Ubuntu14.04(64bits) with Cuda6.5.
When I run "script_face_exp.m", I got the following errors:
I have successfully compiled it on Ubuntu14.04(64bits) with Cuda6.5.
When I run "script_face_exp.m", I got the following errors:
I am currently trying to make a slice of my vtk object, but when I slice in the z direction the coloring becomes wrong. Then when I move the widget, the coloring becomes white. It is odd bec…
Dear developers and Users,
I am trying to calculate MR using WANNIERTOOLS.
I am only getting sigma_band* files but not the rho_band* files.
1. How do I get those files? Is there any specific ta…
I am trying to run Spin texture as recommended in the tutorial. I've prepared the files with the same structure as the tutorial, however when you run the "projwfc.x" you mentioned that is ne…
if we implement this file format export we can open photon files in this open source voxel Photoshop an…
I am noticing on some materials that the energy seems to alternate between two different discrete states, eve…
I wanted to create a segmentation algoriothm using the morse-smale complex code. Does the topopy code allows such an implementation?
Dear b4vasp developers,
Can you please share the kpoints file and the pre-circle command used to generate the folders present in the 'b4vasp_Fermisurface_Example' directory ? It would be better if …
Hello sir,
When I do "Find Nodes calculation" for Td-MoTe2 I find ~300 Weyl Points.
Do you know why?