Hi, Just found out this cool plugin when searching for managing projects by tmux sessions in neovim.
After a few try outs i wanted to know if its possible to show the child folders inside the root …
Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that there's no way to actually ignore a folder. How do I do this?
### Description
After installing QuickLook on Windows, I've noticed that the preview functionality is only working for files on the desktop. When trying to preview files in other folders, the feature…
I suggest considering the possibility of adding a WinThumbsPreloader item to the context menu of folders, selecting which starts generating thumbs with the `-r` and `-m` keys.
## Current workaround…
### Description of the new feature / enhancement
Enhance the New+ tool as follows:
If we create a template folder or file with a name that includes e.g. yyyy_mm_dd then this will be replaced with th…
We create folders for data sets where there are a number of individual data sets for a data set, e.g. COSDS, Neonatal etc.
We currently link to the folder, e.g. https://www.datadictionary.nhs.uk/da…
I'm running a headless `14.6.0` on a linux server.
Since a few versions ago the chosen `sort_method` doesn't get applied when opening a `#--TRANSCODE--#` folder.
### Describe the feature
**Currently, Pictopy allows users to add images from a folder but lacks the functionality to delete specific images after they have been added. This feature enhancement inv…
### Description
HI, I started using Typst recently and the projects I have are starting to pile up and get cluttered in the central folder. And as more people start to use Typst for longer periods of…