探究Android中的注解 Aug 14th, 2016 本文系GDG Android Meetup分享内容总结文章 注解是我们经常接触的技术,Java有注解,Android也有注解,本文将试图介绍Android中的注解,以及ButterKnife和Otto这些基于注解的库的一…
For now we use Gitter (https://gitter.im/gdg-garage?utm_source=share-link&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=share-link), but it is not used much and we want something what is open for everybody (not only …
Estaría bien hacer talleres donde alguien dirigiera el evento, tal que los eventos grandes de GDG, alternando charlas con algo de práctica. 2 horas, no son demasiado, pero con la ayuda de 2 o 3 person…
Los meetups que faltan son los siguientes (se incluye el link al evento de meetup.com del que extraer los datos):
## Meetups a introducir
- [ ] [GDG, qué es, qué somos y hacia dónde vamos](https:/…
Please, provide the development notes to `README.md` or create corresponding wiki.
For example, write how to completely prepare development environment, set up database, write about making migrations,…
## Description
The command `/photo nature` fetches a photo from website, and embed it as a message.
Right now it's not working properly on GDG server. probably due to a missing key: `PIXELS_API…
- [ ] generate QR code and save it in backend
- [ ] in QR hardcode link to http://hack.dou.ua to approve registration
- [ ] get list of people from MailChimp
- [ ] should be allowed some `MAX_PEOPLE` …
Estou criando esta issue, para todos comentarem sobre o que podem falar e o que desejam e assim a gente discutir e poder criar encontros abordando temas de maneira mais especifica.
There should be nothing. Something to do with the environment?
On the event page (example: https://gdgnd.org/gdg-new-delhi/events/devfest-18), we right now put in the name and address of the location with a short url of the map.
The map then gets populated acc…