A meta issue track which packages will support FilePath types:
- [ ] BSON.jl
- [X] CSV.jl
- [X] DataDeps.jl
- [X] FileIO.jl
- [X] Glob.jl
- [ ] JLD2.jl
- [X] JLSO.jl
- [ ] JSON.jl
- [X] URI…
Do you think Spatial filters will be added?
I am interested in using `gpq` to generate GeoParquet files for [Who's On First (WOF) data](https://github.com/whosonfirst-data/). Ideally I would like to do that by reading and writing data on…
When [Geo]Parquet files/sources are used within systems that treat them as tables (like Spark, Trino/Presto, Athena, etc.), basic Parquet metadata is tracked in a "catalog" (e.g., a Hive-compatible ca…
The [Overture Maps Foundation](https://overturemaps.org/) published a beta release recently as a set of Parquet files hosted on S3 (`s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-04-16-beta.0`; 322 objects…
Hi all.
With [SpatialData](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata) we have some public datasets that could be used for testing. Here is information where to get them: https://spatialdata.scverse.or…
While pandas has no issue with MultiIndex being used for columns when saving to Parquet, GeoPandas complains.
In [1]: import geopandas as gpd
...: import shapely
In [2]: gdf = gpd.Geo…
And that's good! one of the issues with shapefiles is that it tried to be all things to all men, so instead we can recommend different formats for different things
## data interchange
For making…
In this snippet, there's a record with `None` for an asset:
import planetary_computer
import adlfs
import pystac
collection = pystac.read_file("https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.c…
once the files are read into memory, what do you think about caching them as parquet files instead of shapefiles? would make IO much faster and the footprint a lot smaller on disk. If you're into it, …