Each model is duplicated at least twice. In generic model that is used to pass data between layers and DB specific model containing `sql.Null*` types or `mysql.NullTime` or such.
Also this forces u…
I'm trying to perform an update action in a single field using gorm data services through `grails.gorm.services.Query`. In the [documentation](http://gorm.grails.org/latest/hibernate/manual/index.html…
Grails 3.3.6
We have some scenarios where using `withNewSession` can cause an `Active Connection is required` error after the block executes.
There are paths where th…
Thanks for gogs, it is great. I could not find anything about database and its tables and of course its fields, is there documentation fot it?
1. 系统采用关系型数据库还是非关系型数据库
2. 表与表之间的关系是**硬关联**还是**软关联**【关系型数据库】
3. 字段设计**索引**的使用和**约束**的使用
- 硬件平台:支持运行MyS…
想生成其他框架的代码,但是generate.QueryStructMeta相关元数据都在 internal 包,除了二开,还有别的方式吗
After upgrade grails to version to 3.3.9 and GORM version to 6.1.10.RELEASE I've got error during refresh any entity which contains mapping like "hasMany".
Similar problem which I've found here i…
## Problem statement
If you have code being generated from swagger, and want a field to be omitted when marshalling, it would make sense to be able to do that like so:
# Goのマイグレーションツールの選定
## 前提
Hi @vcraescu ,
Hope you are all well !
I know that you did this experiment 2 years ago but I wanted to implement that with [qor/admin](https://github.com/qor/admin) using the gorm v1 version.
ghost updated
3 years ago