### Detect line drawings
1. **Average color in greyscale**: Convert the image to greyscale and find the average color. if the average color is > 230 (for example) it is most probably a bunch of lines …
Student: Nikola Rakočević RA11-2013
Grupa: 1
Asistent: Miroslav Kondic @miroslavkondic
Skup podataka (video-1): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1ZJXQY32LBUMWdxWkEzcmVYblU
Snimak sa jedno…
Student: Aleksandar Mijatovic RA182/2015
Video zapis poseduje dve pokretne linije koje je potrebno detektovati Hough transformacijom.
Cifre prolaze iza pokretnih linija.
Cifre koje prođu is…
_Original ticket http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/225 on 2006-08-03 by @stefanv, assigned to @teoliphant._
Under r2944:
In [22]: N.bincount(N.array([1],N.uint16))
Out[22]: array([0, 1])
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is an algorithm primarily used to detect and describe local features in a digital image. You can find more about SIFT in the given [link](https://docs.opencv.o…
would be cool to use this for detecting a document scan in an image, and guess-placing a rectangle over the document
- Srdjan Pepic RA134-2013, Grupa 1.
- Video zapis poseduje jednu pokretnu liniju koja je uvek iste boje. Liniju detektovati korišćenjem Hough transformacije.
- Cifre se kreć…
**Student: Milos Zrnic
Broj indexa: SW-93-2017**
**Metodologija**: Podaci sadrze video platoa braon boje i ljude koji se krecu na istom, potrebno je izvrsiti prebrojavanje ljudi koji se barem u j…
Hello, beginner here, thank you for this amazing project, how can I train with my own data?
I checked the code in Colab, and it seems that this code does not only require the input of photos but a…