我的xxl-job是用docker-compose搭的,没有设置access token,为啥按你步骤配置后启动hyperf报错
Failed to register XXL-JOB executor with message: The access token is wrong
首先谢谢大佬的分享,看到之前已经关闭的问题,已经实现hyperf amqp使用RabbitMQ优先级队列
我这边的使用场景是 同一个mq队列queue,有大量的消息,而且每个消息都有延迟时间,采用了优先级队列之后,发现每次压入的消息,都会有很长的时间去排序,导致这段时间收不到消息消费
3、还是说 我只能改变压入…
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## Before you submit an issue, please be sure to search through existing issues as well as search through the [documentation](https://hyperf.wiki)
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https://github.com/hyperf/database-pgsql ?
https://github.com/hyperf/db-pgsql-incubator ?
https://github.com/hyperf/database-pgsql-incubator ?
What is the correct one, and what is the difference?
使用`Swoole`驱动时, 在中间件中使用`$request->url()`是正常的.
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
if ($request->getMethod() ==…
实际开发中, 希望不需要启动socket服务就能进行模拟请求发送处理