Seen in https://jenkins.scylladb.com/view/master/job/scylla-master/job/dtest-debug-random/630/testReport/junit/alternator_tests/AlternatorTest/test_slow_query_logging/
Scylla version 9d4262e264efd6d9…
*Installation details*
Scylla version (or git commit hash): 4.5.dev-0.20210314.f2ecb4617e
Cluster size: 1 node
OS (RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu/AWS AMI): RHEL, running started by SCT, ami-08450e7239839026d (…
When using a multichannel LED-Controller (i.e. LS5P-TAS) with setoption68 ON the Powerstate in MQTT unter stat ist not updated when switching on the channel by setting its…
Seen in https://jenkins.scylladb.com/view/master/job/scylla-master/job/dtest-release/1004/artifact/logs-all.release.2/1637736178684_update_cluster_layout_tests.TestUpdateClusterLayout.simple_add_new_n…
I am using the last firmware from @AlbertWeterings repo version 1.0.8 Beta.
Any time I make a total power up I got tons of following message from my broker:
` mosquitto_sub -v -t Thermostat_Bad/#
i have a esp32 and a 3v3 arduino pro mini attached to it. on the arduino side i read all gpios and want to send the states via teleperiod function to mqtt. the string from…
I try to set the parameter of my ME81AH over mqtt on my pi, where the broker is running:
`pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mosquitto_pub -d -t Thermostat_Bad/thermostat/properties/TargetTemperature -m "22.00"
after updating all my devices from Percy to Peter, All my configurated Switches didnt work anymore.
After downgrade from Peter to Percy it worked again..
Seen in https://jenkins.scylladb.com/view/master/job/scylla-master/job/dtest-release/1018/testReport/replace_address_test/TestReplaceAddress_rbo_enabled/serve_writes_during_bootstrap_test/
Scylla ver…
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