One of the powerful features of Islandora 7.x is its ability to index content in the datastreams. In Islandora 8, we can index field information in content types. However, there is no prescribed way…
We have a use case where we need to mint handles on a locally running handle server for handle.net http://handle.net/
The idea was briefly mentioned here: https://github.com/Islandora-CLAW/CLAW/issue…
How will versioning be done in CLAW? This issue is a reminder to consider how versioning will be integrated at the Drupal layer and how that will integrate with fedora's memento versioning model.
This ticket is meant for starter site, build https://github.com/Islandora-Devops/isle-dc with `make starter_dev`, requires ingest content with islandora_workbench.
* **_Install and t…
| Title (Goal) | Media gallary - describe ones, add multiple photos/media |
--------------- |------------------------------------ |
| Primary Actor | user, …
Title (Goal) | Mint DOIs for new content
-- | --
Primary Actor | user
Scope | Drupal
Level | Medium
Story | I am a user creating a new repository object, I want to be able to mint a new DOI aut…
It appears that once a node has been deleted from Fedora it cannot be added back:
1. Create an islandora_object node
1. Ensure it is in Fedora
1. From the Drupal 8 Content Page, select the node a…
The default MODS element is ``, which is perfectly acceptable. However, if there's already a `` element in the MODS record, the new element ends up in a separate parent, which is [bad MODS](https://w…
Hi all,
Wanted to get some of these down while they're still on my mind. Also it seemed cleaner to start a new issue just for use cases, rather than piggyback on the CLAW MVP issue:
- Support fo…
| Title (Goal) | Search within a collection |
--------------- |------------------------------------ |
| Primary Actor | End user |
| Scope …