Nach Importieren von Produktbildern kann im Backend den Menu-Punkt Produkte nicht mehr geöffnet werden.
Folgender Fehler wird im BE angezeigt:
Hi Andrew,
I encountered an error when I use zyppy_class in an instance where Isotope is installed. I get the following message when I try to open an order in the Backend. Do you have any idea?
New version of Opsin (2.8.0) is not creating correct Mol file / giving error for the compounds with isotopes
Examples: i) lysergic acid diethylamide-d3 - error found for this compound ii) sodium (3…
Certain compounds are isotopically enriched with a specific isotope, but at non-specific atoms. It would be helpful for these to be understood in their most commonly drawn format.
# Example 1
is it just me or is .isotope('reloadItems') really not working with latest version? I also tried in the official codepen and it's not reloading/changing the dom.
Thank you very much,
check out here
looking forward to your reply
This is an outcome of some of the isotope testing as well as the CICE workshop.
As the title says, is it possible to calculate isotope patterns? Use data.frame to return the result for the user to view, of course he can choose to plot it out himself.
I tried to run the docker image on my mac but it didnt work I had the error message below:
/isotope/isotope: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by …