Thanks for your work and I have a question about phonemizer don't support Thai?
I found Thai is supported on https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/blob/master/docs/languages.md
tai | th | Tai | T…
The readme makes it sound very simple: "Replace bert with xphonebert"
Looking a bit closer looks like it's quite a feat to make StyleTTS2 talk in non-english languages (https://github.com/yl4579/Styl…
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ROM Android version | 10
ROM Build ID | lineage_marlin-userdebu…
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Google Chrome
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### 请详细描述问题
Youtube video won't have any catch.
Wonder if this is a bug?
10.2.52 tts:writingMode
10.2.46 tts:textOrientation
Currently TTS Generator doesn't seem to work with all languages supported by XTTS V2. For example, using arabic, chinese, and japanese characters results in an audio clip of only a second long of inco…
How To Convert Melo tts models? like korean to onnx?
Possible latent mismatch: click the "(Re)Compute Voice Latents" button and then try again. Error: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device CUDA kernel errors might be asy…
have you seen this dataset? maybe it's better suited for zero-shot task, more natural speech than audiobook
### News
- Conferences
- ACL 2023: Full paper deadline: 1.21 밤 9시 (Abs 제출 수고하셨습니다)
- ICML 2023: Full paper deadline: 1.28 새벽 5시 (별도 abs 데드라인 없어요)
- ICLR 2023 Notification: 1.21 오전 11시
- Ne…