Hard to describe this properly:
- Stand on ledge
- Equip weapons
- Press Look
- Press foward
Expected: Lara looks.
Instead: She falls down because it now takes the game longer than before to r…
Kullanici GitHub linki'ni yukledikten sonra asagidaki seceneklerden birini secer:
1) Yanit anahtari / master dosya'ya gore geribildirim: Projenin cozumu yuklenir onunla kiyaslayip geribildirim veri…
I just upgraded the library version to 17.12.0. I'm using the lara-cyan theme and I encountered the following error during the build:
**Undefined variable.
21 │ outline-offset: $in…
I'm using Laravel versions : * v5.5.50. when running composer install, i get the following error:
- Installing lynx39/lara-pdf-merger (v1.0.0): Downloading (failed) Failed to download lynx39/…
If I compare e.g. the [original file](https://github.com/specs-feup/specs-lara/blob/master/ANTAREX/AutoPar/Polybench/3mm/3mm.c) of the 3mm.c test of the PolyBench suite with [the expected output](http…
The scale of these 3D models is inaccurate compared to the sprite and/or their appearance in the target receptacle.
- Prayer wheels (Barkhang Monastery)
- Gemstones (Barkhang Monastery & Furnace o…
When running a LARA script, an error occurs related to the lack of a JavaScript module, resulting in the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Excepti…
Sorry for my english my friend. I've observed the game for months and today I decided to play the version I installed on my PC using the PSX game.
I've completed the first three levels and I found so…
This issue tracks work in relation to the creation and maintenance of the Swarm Intersect Town Hall GitBook
The online version of the GitBook can be found here - https://catalyst-swarm.gitbook.io/int…
In _The Hive_ position 40000,29000,-3360,90,0,0 there is a bug which have similarity with several other bugs at once. If you try to use action+up Lara climbs up through wall. But if you use action+jum…