We are logging activity of several models, some using SoftDeletes trait and others not.
When we set config option `'subject_returns_soft_deleted_models' => true` then calling `subject()` on any mod…
Version of **revisionable** : `"venturecraft/revisionable": "^1.28",`
**Laravel version**: 5.5
Here is my **model**
namespace App\Models;
use Eloquent as Model;
use Illuminate\Database…
Hi!, I'm trying to implement this in laravel but when I run `php artisan route:list` for example, I get:
`Cannot instantiate abstract class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model`
I have a model called P…
When i execute `artisan search:index` i get the following error:
Type error: Argument 1 passed to LaravelCloudSearch\Console\IndexCommand…
### Feature Description
I've a project using package `silber/bouncer` for roles and permissions.
This package has two models `Role`and `Ability` in his vendor area.
I can't use the Laravel Ide…
I'm in a Laravel Model and phpactor is reporting that a method in the same class does not exist---however, the method clearly exists and jump-to-definition works so I'm not sure what's going…
### Package
### Package Version
### Laravel Version
### Livewire Version
_No response_
### PHP Version
PHP 8.2.21 | PHP 8.3.9
### Probl…
Try to use this with another Library to generate ER Diagrams based off my models [https://github.com/beyondcode/laravel-er-diagram-generator](url) and have debugged to catch the following Exception
Vuex orm is heavily inspired by laravel models, but it seems all the php models need to be re declared in js
Is there any tool available to keep the js models in sync with eloquent php models? Righ…
- Larastan Version: v10.13.5
- `--level` used: 9
- Pull request with failing test:
### Description
Use of https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/eloquent-relationships#default-models is supposed to all…