getting empty files by Running "feature_extraction_global.py" to extract the global concepts.
The resultant files contains only column names like; ,target,name
I got a problem when trying to freeze the graph. It asks me for the output node, which you have "logits" as default. However that is not the correct name and it actually says its not in graph. So i se…
I would like to setup a conditional appearance of some layers based on specific combinations:
const layers = [
addLayer('layer1', { x: 0, y: 0 }, { width: width, height: height }),
I tried to run "train.py"(process 5 train at "usage").
But, I get the following "ResourceExhaustedError (see above for traceback): OOM when allocating tensor with shape" error.
Shall I change the …
hi, sir
class resnet34:
def __init__(self, num_classes):
self.pre = [
conv_layer(3, 64, 7, 7, stride=2, shift=False),#input image is 3 channels
when i use lower tool to prune my model by:
DG = tp.DependencyGraph().build_dependency(net, example_inputs=torch.randn(1, 3, 832, 1088).to(device))
# 2. Specify the …
测试安装是否正确时,执行python run_trainer.py,出现报错
报错代码指向core/trainer.py 453行代码
I have 6 diffrent div, every div has 4 png. this divs in a slider. when slider init I'm enabling plax on number 1 div. when I slide to another div disable number 1 div and activate second div's plax. …
源码里resnet50的model.layer4, model.avgpool执行的是分类classifier,他们没有参与特征提取工作,那主干网络提取特征的能力不是减弱了吗?
Not the greatest bug title of all time, as I'm not _really_ sure what the issue is, but I was encouraged on IRC to post it.
I wrote some code that looked a bit like this:
``` rust
extern crate pnet;…