As I want to convert the model resnet-bilstm-ctc to ONNX format, I face the error message "RuntimeError: Unsupported: ONNX export of operator adaptive pooling, since output_size is not constant.. Plea…
Hi,i want to run this flowtron model for bangla dataset.But validation loss becomes NaN.What can be the possible solution for this error?
` exp_avg_sq.mul_(beta2).addcmul_(1 - beta2, grad, grad)
I'm trying to run your ctc example but i get the following error:
Building model ...
/Users/sorensonderby/Documents/phd/RNN/Theano/theano/scan_module/scan_perform_ext.py:133: RuntimeWarning: nump…
skaae updated
8 years ago
It would be wonderful if DeepSpeech models could be converted to CoreML, for offline use in apps. Here is documentation to do just that. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreml/converting_tra…
I tried to create icefall recipe for MGB2-100h and I did not get any error during the preparation stage. However I got an error during the training after batch 600.
The error mentions that:
This project aims to build a speech recognition model that can convert spoken language (audio input) into written text. The model uses techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP) an…
1) 你这个验证码识别的位数最多是5位还是可变的? 我看你的label-test.txt 有的4位有的5位,
2) 这个识别验证码的位数(你这里就5位?。。还是由训练样本决定?)在哪里控制的?train.prototxt里的?
3) label-test.txt 的第32类别就是空的意思?
4) label-map.txt的顺序为啥不是0-9,A-Z按顺序排列啊…
Hi everyone,
I am using external data mixed with noise for training, and try to exploit the nice feature from lhotse that I don't need to actually mix audio but just to mix the manifests from those…
environment set1: (use tf2, follow the environment.ipynb)
OS debian stretch/sid
Python 3.7.4
NumPy 1.17.2
Pandas 1.0.4
Matplotlib 3.2.1
Here I want to collect some things to be done to speed up eager-mode execution. Most of it did not really matter in graph-mode execution when those extra things are only executed once. That are extra …