**__Task Description__**
We need to render madlibs after the inputs have been filled in.
**__Technical Considerations__**
The function will receive as arguments, (scenario, values, title, index, …
Let's try and come up with a final UI concept by 3/21
Share to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZIR3LV7SLhk6dOJthe_HmtMfTCK9qnqKGFl0sSPs0D8/edit#gid=1743230707 if you can please
After you complete the required reading for the [madlibs lab](https://github.com/mikeizbicki/cmc-csci040/tree/2022fall/project_04/lab-madlibs), reply to this issue with the statement
> I have compl…
Is it okay if my madlibs are not about politics?
**Check code with expected output - Levels 1-4+**
First of all: I love the idea of hedy. Thanks for all the work!
Context: I'm currently working with 4th and 5th graders. We meet for one hour a…
I was wondering if the madlibs had to have a coherent theme between them or if they could all be independent. and I was also wondering if we had to have 5 different replacement words or if we could re…
Hi Mike,
I had an idea for another extra credit task - getting our bots to generate mass DMS to spread our propaganda.
I would only be sending DMs to the other bots I've created. I was doing s…
**Describe the bug**
Examples of problems when sticking madlib header contains really long conditions / place names and needs more vertical space; the scrolling is a little off. This is a pretty rare…