Whenever you create a projection it is evaluated immediately. Why not defer it?
After we moved over to knockout-projections the initial page load time was higher because all our filtered and mapped a…
For a code sample, Just take the second example from [this page](https://www.react-simple-maps.io/docs/zoomable-group/) from the documentation and change the projection to "geoAlbersUsa". The error oc…
### Description
I cannot get the geo axes to work with cartopy 0.21.X. I see the ci is pinned at 0.20.X which is probably why you have not seen this. We should add a run constrained entry to th…
I would like to handle custom CRS and it's related coordinate operations in Proj4js (and OpenLayer indirectly).
I have 2 questions :
1) Imagine you have a custom CRS (something proj4js…
**Reporter: havard.tveite@umb.no**
**Date: 2003/01/14 - 17:34**
Suggestion: Allow a PROJECTION object in the REFERENCE MAP object
(and perhaps also a new attribute OUTLINEACCURACY [low | medi…
The [Maps for HTML Community Group](https://www.w3.org/community/maps4html/), driven by Peter Rushforth (@prushforth) develops proposals to define a new `` element for HTML to represent a map.
NGA has a "non-web-Mercator" tile grid document ("Map Projections for Tiled Raster Graphics, V1.0, 24 April 2015") available from https://nsgreg.nga.mil/doc/view?i=1810
Its intended for GeoPackage …
bradh updated
4 years ago
There should be a child class of Basemap to provide all sky maps in multiple projections. The ones we care about are:
- [x] Mollweide to preserve areas
- [ ] Polar projection (either stereographic a…
Re documentation:
> THe EGDI platform by default displays maps and data sets in projection EPS…
@gracejia513 @Anurag19101996
Pls develop the codes for dealing with the projection systems and then pass it on to @anujsinha3. Below are the instructions:
1. for distance calculations, as long …