I thought that maybe we should try to put together all the different issues that everyone is facing with 2.4ghz on MT7603 (specifically this chipset) into this main issue that everyone can e…
[02:14:42][DEBUG] /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/airtest/core/android/static/adb/linux/adb -s P4M0215107001638 forward --no-rebind tcp:16798 tcp:…
大神们帮帮忙 , 分享后app重启,GitHub上 什么改 targetDir 加preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTask" 都试过 没有一点变化
cordova :7.0.1
cordova android :6.3.0
手机: 华为MT7
i'm using this one: 'TL-WDN5200'~~~~~
and.. I don't know what to say....... just.. thx ^^''
I'm seeing this in 3.3.5
const toShallowJson = wrapper => toJson(wrapper, { mode: 'shallow' });
TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string
74 | …
이유는 모르겠는데 우편번호 팝업이 안열리는 현상이 드문드문 발생하고 있습니다
크롬에서는 문제가 없는데 인터넷익스플로러에서 그런 현상이 있습니다
인터넷익스플로러를 초기화하면 됩니다 그런데 좀 지나면 다시 안됩니다
어떤 이유가 있을까요?
当前环境flutter升级后的版本号为:Flutter 1.5.4-hotfix.2
bugly版本:flutter_bugly: ^0.2.3
I/flutter (18717): 0===1562652127
E/MethodChannel#crazecoder/flutter_bugly(18717): Fail…
ug666 updated
5 years ago
## The problem
Can't use driver.implicitly_wait after i install appium server 1.8.1
## Environment
* Appium server 1.8.1
*Appium-Python-Client :0.28
*Python :3.6
*Test on real device
* …
git上所有方法都试了,无解了。。。。 华为mt7 无论怎么样他都是重启
01-20 14:26:28.916 16803-16803/? E/MtaSDK: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.jueyn.client/com.jueyn.client.wx…
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7222340/55779642-902fd380-5ad8-11e9-96ca-5b7c0250c121.png) 然后在代码里设置也闪退,
AndMy updated
5 years ago