* **Title**:
The Challenges of Multi-tenancy on Kubernetes Clusters
* **Speaker**:
Thibault Jamet
* **Language**: en
* **Type**: Lightning Talk 5-10 mins
* **Level**: standard
* **Tags**: nult…
I've got Wyoming Satellite running on an Ubuntu VM (Proxmox) with a USB speakerphone connected for mic/speaker and when it plays back the TTS Response the first 1-2 seconds is cutoff. Awake and Done w…
python -m xtts_api_server
Folder in the path /home/rexommendation/Programs/SillyTavern-extras/output has been created
Folder in the path /home/rexommendation/Programs/SillyTavern-extras/speakers has…
# Task Name
Speaker Diarization with ASR
[Description]: To do multi-speaker ASR where each speeches may have overlap.
## Task Objective
Most of the time, we do ASR on audio with only one main sp…
does it work with German?
Tentative Date: 7 & 8 October, 2016
- Varendra University
- Rajshahi College
Resources Needed:
- Projector
- Speaker
- Internet
- Portable Internet for Speakers (Verify, If Needed)…
The [Fuzz Conclusion](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/fuzz#conclusion) falsely invites to infer that the Completed Code is "correct" or sufficiently tested: both are false.
In fact, the Fuzzer input ra…
python -m recognition.alignment --recognition_path "./datasets/son/recognition.json" --score_threshold=0.5
이 코드를 입력 후 list index out of range 오류가 떠서 recognition.json에서 하기 텍스트를 삭제하였습니다.
NB11653121 …
如果有人脸 -> 配合视觉识别
如果有原音 -> 添加声纹识别
都没有时 -> 使用NLP分析