I find my self very useful nette/tester (`Assert::matching` and `Assert::isMatching`).
f3l1x updated
3 years ago
Dobrý den,
po aktualizaci pluginu z verze 1.5.1 na 1.5.3 nám začal crashovat web s chybou níže.
Snažil jsem se trochu dopátrat v čem je problém a vypadá to, že se změnily [parametry konstruktoru]…
When I use `{formPrint}` latte macro on `\Contributte\FormsBootstrap\BootstrapForm`, get error:
```` text
Call to undefined static method [Nette\Bridges\FormsLatte\Runti…
V tomto tutoriáli sa naučíme vytvoriť modulárnu aplikáciu v Nette Framework, rozdelenú na **verejnú a admin sekciu**. Vstup a pohyb po admin sekcii bude kontrolovaný pomocou statického **ACL** (access…
After hours of finding where the problem is I found possible solution. The problem is in this condition in `js/texyla.js`
``` javascript
if (f.onsubmit()) {
Lkopo updated
10 years ago
> composer install
> Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
> Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
> Your lock file does not conta…
nette/forms v3.0.7, ublaboo/datagrid v6.7.6 - OK
nette/forms v3.1.6, ublaboo/datagrid v6.9.2 - Undefined property: Nette\Utils\ArrayHash::$id after using $values->id:
Due to [this](https://github.com/nette/http/commit/4ff8e48df92a7fe3b747043012edd057dcf0b5e3) commit, `getRawBody()` will always return NULL, because in ApiRequestFactory [there](https://github.com/dra…
`Error: Drahak\Restful\Diagnostics\ResourceRouterPanel
ErrorException: callback() is deprecated; use native PHP callback. in C:\Users\jspet\Sites\project\vendor\nette\deprecated\src\shortcuts.php:35
Current Nette\Http\RequestFactory doesnt support adding default domain for the request
Problems starts when we need to generate links, after executing the script in CLI
``` php