As touchend / mouseup listeners are bound to `element`, if the user releases outside of the element's boundaries, the touchend / mouseup listeners wont be called.
A mouse up event from an element is …
The existing user templates are fantastic, but there are some significant implementation barriers when using a touchscreen device (as most tablets are), particularly if you wish to use angular mousedo…
### Description
Workspace appears to create properly. I can connect to the container from the k8s dashboard. When I try to connect from the Che dashboard the workspace fails after about a ten minute …
The is-open directive is not working if being placed into tabs generated by ng-repeat. It is working good within static tabs and outside tabs though.
I have a pre-existing Angular app that I am trying to get running within the Nodeclipse env. I have been able to get simple non-angular test apps to run here but getting the following error when attem…
I noticed that while $swipe will bind touch events properly, it will not remove them properly when an element with touch events bound to it via the service is removed from the DOM. It should add a li…
I am using the $swipe service to implement a drag and drop functionality. But in the case there is nothing under the mouse when the start event is triggered, I am not interested in subsequent move & e…
I'm currently using the cellDoubleClicked event, however it doesn't work on Mobile, sou I'd like to use the [ngTouch](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngTouch) in my mobile version.
I Know if I set onl…
I'm using $modal service from here: https://pineconellc.github.io/angular-foundation/ and I'm not able to focus an input inside this modal on a touch event using angular touch 1.4.3. Any suggestion?
I am having an issue with yo angular. It's generating the app, grunt serve is running locally. But when i click the **about** button it does not go to about page
Here is some code (these are genera…