### 🔗 [막대 만들기](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/28437)
Hello i am trying to run train_own.ipynb file. I am trying to train with my custom data. I have the my training folder path in --baseroot.
but am getting this error:
ValueError: num_samples shou…
ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0
Fine-tuning on Modal, everything goes smooth until I start `modal run -d main::finetune` which leads to this error.
Where can I set the value of `num_samples`?
## Logs:
🍡 Finetuning Mochi…
Built the model successfully!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/abhi/Land-Cover-Semantic-Segmentation-PyTorch-main/src/train.py", line 173, in
raise e
File "/home/abhi/Lan…
[Gurobi](https://www.gurobi.com/) is a commercial software for optimization problems and it requires a license to run (freely available for a limited period of time, should be 18 months from the insta…
Here's a test case:
module omod
real,allocatable :: ralloc
!$Omp Threadprivate (ralloc)
end module
program main
use omp_lib
use omod, only: ralloc
integer, parameter :: nthrea…
W64devkit log:
src/utils/numa_w.c: In function 'numa_alloc':
src/utils/numa_w.c:162:13: warning: implicit declaration of function 'VirtualAllocExNuma'; did you mean 'VirtualAllocEx'? [-Wimplicit-f…
Reproducer: (contained_subroutine_flatten.f90)
program flattening_test
use iso_fortran_env, only : int32
implicit none
type mytype
integer(int32) :: k
end type mytype