Once compiled some project layers (contour, hillshade...) point to /home/makina/geotrek_pnr09_data/dem/contour/.
How can I get those files? Or how can I create them?
Sorry to bug you again, I know you don't have much interest in the project anymore but I wondered if you could give me some insights. Geofabrik doesn't have a planet.osm.pbf file so I'm …
Unable to build nominatim planet when docker build process of
```Step 35/68 : RUN curl -L ${PBF_URL} --create-dirs -o /srv/nominatim/src/data.osm.pbf```
then ran into this issue.
```ERROR: Err…
With in-memory pending, the middle tables are only read from once processing is finished. This allows us to build indexes right away, including the GIN index on planet_osm_ways.nodes, which is often s…
Task is to write a tutorial for running OSM Bright on windows. We originally did not attempt this because no binaries where available for osm2pgsql, but [there are now](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w…
I like this project and I want to like it even more. But using this with open street map data in post GIS seems problematic. My configuration is as follows and really all I want to do is just have s…
Size and memory consumption of update packages vary greatly. While the preset 3600s-limit (configuration.txt) works well most of the time, some of the updates run out of memory (in my case 18GB allott…
Sometimes (inner or outer) ways have the same tags as the multipolygon relation. This could be the result of an incomplete cleanup of the old-style multipolygon or have other reasons. In northern Ital…
The following code removes members from object.members that have a role other than 'inner' or 'outer'.
function osm2pgsql.process_relation(object)
if object.tags.type == 'boundary' and…
Discussão das licenças do presente repositório
## Interpretação inicial
A licença geral dos dados, todos convertidos automaticamente pelo osm2pgsql e scripts SQL-PostGIS a partir dos dados bruto…