This module has been broken by https://github.com/Perl/perl5/pull/20357 where we fixed some inconsistencies in how perl handles eval.
See: https://github.com/Perl/perl5/issues/20885
The actual b…
**steps to reproduce**
1. open emacs and new a buffer
2. input
3. put cursor on `[`
4. type `c s [ (`
**the text becomes**
( blabla )
Zenoe updated
1 month ago
Hello Guys.
I Have WHM cPanel Access. (CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009)
I Install WebService::Dropbox : sudo cpan WebService::Dropbox
`All tests successful.
Files=8, Tests=5, 1 wallclock se…
The [Mowyw module from Moritz Lenz](https://github.com/moritz/mowyw) is a niche, abandoned, Perl5 module that is 1. bad PR 2. no encouragement for a possible volunteer.
I think it can go without ma…
Apologies upfront if this issue is due to pilot error.
`/usr/bin/perl` on macOS includes `List::MoreUtils`. I'm trying to install the recent version `0.428` using
❯❯❯ cpanm -l perl5 --self-…
It seems the current version of HmmCleaner.pl cannot be installed - the cpan testers log shows zero successes. I always get the error below where it asks for Bio::MUST:: Drivers and it freezes at t/ex…
On one of my smokers:
Output from '/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL':
Can't locate File/ShareDir/Install.pm in @INC (you may need to install the File::ShareDir::Install module) (@INC contains:…
A recent security patch to Perl itself removed '.', the current working
directory, from \@INC, the default search path for 'use', 'do', and
'require'. This fix for CVE-2016-1238 will be part of Perl…
``` bash
t/author/eol.t ............... Can't locate Test/EOL.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Test::EOL module) (@INC contains: /var/www/tmp/Mojo-CSV/.build/fnfvTEqLtH/blib/lib /var/www/tmp/Mo…
How to quit/kill/stop the script when it hangs? Is there a keyboard command, escape key that works?
The manual points out that:
"If the specified targets accepts connections but does not speak SSL…