Jira issue originally created by user cappy:
It will be good to throw exception otherwise I get
Warning: class_parents(): object or string expected in /Doctrine/Common/Persistence/Mapping/RuntimeRe…
It seems the generated stub doesnt include the new HPOC classes.
Manually adding `woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/` to PHPStan or intelephence (just examples) picks them up.
Should th…
This issue is a placeholder for the next minor release: I've yet to write a detailed reasoning for why I want to abandon this project.
The TLDR is:
* it was an experiment / feasibility study fo…
### 扩展版本号 extension version
### 浏览器
其他基于 Chromium 的浏览器
### 浏览器版本号
### 涉及网址
### 请详细描述问题
Hello, …
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 4954
Any specific URL?
What should be documented? What should be changed?
Better description of …
Hello @cantino,
I actively participate in various open source projects and, although not to program in Ruby, I follow the Huginn closely whenever I can try to help improve it.
But I miss a better co…
[Quite interesting article](https://habr.com/ru/company/funcorp/blog/478596/) (in Russian) about internals of handling closures within PHP engine was published recently on habr.
In particular this …
I took a look at it and I very like what is being implemented. In my own framework I use classes for Int, Float, String and Array, but sometimes it can be a bit tedious(like having to write new String…
The tstamp and starttime fields of a record are optional and must be checked properly, otherwise exception like
An error occurred while initializing the index queue: PHP Warning: Undefine…
## Preface
### _`2.x` branch is NOT production ready_
Version `2.0` is looking like it will be released in `2024`. Version `1.x` will be transitioned to security fixes only until it reaches its …