Currently we don't have defined the Coding standards.
Sometimes, this extension will generate on undecodable json file. Last time this happened to me, it was about a copyright character:
"0x7f94f5289418" : {
"type" : "array",
I am using guard-phpunit2 with GNTP.
Even when some tests failed, Growl says like:
4 tests, 0 failures in 0 sec
The failure count is always zero, while the terminal shows the correct result…
harai updated
10 years ago
I found a PHP5 incompatibility when writing tests for a caching library and boiled it down to this test:
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant$ cat test.php
So I was moving to `php-actions/phpunit` since I am also using the composer package from you guys. But when I am running my GA with it my locales is not getting picked while running the tests. Althoug…
### Description
when running php on the CLI its sometimes usefull to use the default config, but ignore only certain extensions.
(e.g. because these extension bring a perf hit when loaded, like `b…
LibreNMS supports [SAML/Oauth Auth](https://docs.librenms.org/Extensions/OAuth-SAML/) using the socialite plugin as of `22.3.0`. Are you able to package up some of the common providers into the…
ballj updated
1 month ago
I will have a functioning email test for some period of time, then randomly the check to find the email will throw a nasty exception... Any ideas?
exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFaile…
Cannot install on Laravel 8.x due to compatibility issues:
Here's the command i ran: `composer require behat/mink-extension --dev`
Here's my dependencies in composer.json file:
#### What are you trying to achieve?
Re run the failed tests:
./codecept run -g failed
#### What do you get instead?
Failed tests that use `Codeception/Specify` won't run. This problem only…