I'm having trouble with displaying one of my GeoJSON files using Proj4Leaflet (ckan/ckanext-geoview#51). The [GeoJSON file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wo-ist-markt/wo-ist-markt.github.io/maste…
Right now we assume xy coordinates are 4326 and use them thusly. We should use proj4j to actually ensure the coordinates are lat/lon when we put them on the map.
I encountered this issue while running the geotrellis install.sh script. Here is the output log:
``[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /data/geotrellis/util/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[error] /data…
I compared the output of proj4js to the one of proj4 because of a slightly wrong coordinate.
Finally I ended up creating this example using a test case from proj4.
- Base coordinate system is WGS84 (`…
From @mfsny on Gitter
I have my data in the British EPSG:27700 and my leaflet is using WSG84 for passing bbox. I tried following first:
``` scala
val src = CRS.fromName("EPSG:3857")
val dst = CRS.…
If I reproject this LatLng polygon:
POLYGON ((-96.952497 37.97709252761919, -96.952497 38.143939, -96.78565052761918 38.143939, -96.78565052761918 37.97709252761919, -96.952497 37.97709252761919)…
Zdravím, je možné zakomponovat OSM mapy? Většinou jsou hodně aktuální a
podrobné. Děkuji :)
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `kodet.l...@gmail.com` on 17 Aug 2014 at 1:20
There is not much projection system implemented. I would appreciate it if you could implement it... :+1:
In an issue reported on Proj4Leaflet (https://github.com/kartena/Proj4Leaflet/issues/59#issuecomment-33789825), @kvolleberg has figured out that `panInsideBounds` can become unstable for some situatio…
**Geotrellis version**: 0.10-SNAPSHOT
**Scala version**: 2.10.5
**Java version**: 1.7
Reprojecting from a valid LatLng to WebMercator causes NaN for certain locations.
Sample code to reproduce: