**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x8a7ca528c43b47fc92a615819e8d6013a8b69d760c87cfaaa7be34b39f75b88d
**Severity:** medium
**Github username:** @PlamenTSV
**Twitter username:** @p_tsanev
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x821ec6e5d34008213b7f4e91c20550ac0f039f2c3f3b6cd7365139642136b050
**Severity:** low
**Note from the teaching team:** This bug was reported during the _Part II (Evaluating Documents)_ stage of the PE. **You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.**
Description of problem:
There are many commands with the same name but have different purposes based on the parameters provided. e.g `edit` used for both editing orders and editing customers.
The text alternatives for Informative images examples use colons at the end of each string. There is no explanation as to why this punctuation is used.
There is a mention of being consistent …
We are currently using the Freemocap Adapter for Blender to retarget animations from the FreeMotion software onto a MetaHuman armature and mesh. However, we’re encountering challenges due to…
Hi, I'm fairly new to Elm, MVU and F#, and I'm specifically limiting the scope of my questions to **scaling large MVU applications**.
1- **Lenses**: I've heard several times from Evan **Czaplicki**…
YkTru updated
10 months ago
On this page:
The versioning could be clearer.
1. It could contain a reference example to the code in the nuspec fi…
I got error message
ErrorID: TYP001
Message: The sort of
variable [X at (/Users/yuazhang/Desktop/CALM/examples/allInOneMonkeyB.tp :3:53)]
cannot be determined.
Explanation: Every variable…
Currently working on translating this data into Prometheus timeseries format:
I've got a script mostly working that parses your timeseries files and does …