Brief description:
This is a reporting features used to show plots and descriptive statistics of the data.
User spec:
Brief description:
This feature is used to test the different data types (i.e. Date, Integer, Email etc) and the min/max applied to each type.
User spec:
Hi, I'm the developer of [REDCapR](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/). I like your package.
Please tell me if there are things I can add/change to REDCapR that would help REDCapCAST.
_______________ ERROR collecting Python/DICOM/test_anonymize.py ________________
DICOM/test_anonymize.py:5: in
E NameError: name 'pytest' is not defined
@thomasnwilson suggested that we develop a function/package that can lint REDCap dictionaries and return a markdown/html report. These are the initial rules we thought of while waiting in airport.
If this module is to move to a format based on parsing REDCap's logs, then there are gaps that need to be addressed.
When a project is created in the certain ways, the logs do not store **users**,…
Dear Adam, once again great EM allowing a bettere redcap usability!!
if I understood correctly, it is possible to open the modal only in a redcap_data_entry_form right?
would be possible to active t…
Brief description:
This features is to add a user as an admin in REDCap system (in control center).
User spec:
Brief description:
This feature is used to check the project status, i.e. if the project is in development, production, completed, archived etc.
User spec:
Brief description:
This feature is used to check the details of the project in the project dashboard. i.e. no:of instruments, no:of fields, no:of records etc.
User spec: