How do I change mtcnn to retinaface or other face detection model? How do I pass face alignment dots?
Can someone share a working example?
@biubug6 Could you share your trained weights of RetinaFace?
在detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=0)中,gpu_id可以是多个值吗,我试着让gpu_id=[0,1,2,3]但遇到错误
Can I get pre-trained model for mobilenet v3 that is modified in this Retinaface_Ghost?
If so, I think that I can train my data efficiently.
I have run the deploy/test.py and run it for lfw dataset, The test.py file uses the MTCNN for face detction and landmark.For few of the images face detction fails.
I want to try it using the Retina…
## Env
- GPU, e.g. V100, RTX2080, TX2, Xavier NX, Nano, etc.
- OS, e.g. Ubuntu16.04, Win10, etc.
- Cuda version
- TensorRT version
## About this repo
- which branch/tag/commit are you usin…
When I replace the FPN with ASFF in Retinaface, the model size is double, but the result is inferior to FPN.
Hey, guys! Your work looks pretty cool. I am doing some research which is based on your work.
I try running your code, but it raises an error, "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'data'". It se…
I got this error while training retinaface using mobilenet.25 as backbone.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 503, in
File "train.py", line 499, in main
I have tried to convert the RetinaFace(R-50 model) to openVino but the accuracy and no. of detection is getting less. I am getting FPS of 7 on GPU and 0.01 on CPU with original R-50 model and n…