Currently scaladoc inserts a footer on every page [1]. This footer is quite large and sticky, resulting in a considerable amount of wasted screen space.
It would be great if the header (or at least…
The usability of burying the database config documentation in a collapsed field of Scaladoc is not good. "How do I configure this thing?" is one of the first questions users will have re: slick, and i…
Currently metals-vscode calls `setLanguageConfiguration` to provide indentation rules for scaladoc: https://github.com/scalameta/metals-vscode/blob/b68b2f5eddd4e19c6626f24d9f62500f95b8493e/src/extensi…
There are a bunch of methods listed as deprecated for [List](https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.0/scala/collection/immutable/List.html) in 2.13. It doesn't appear they're actually deprecated. The m…
Either the Scaladoc or the implementation of the following methods are incorrect in ScalaTest 3.0.1:
* [oneOf](https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest/blob/3.0.1/scalatest/src/main/scala/org/sc…
The Scaladoc for `Boolean.&&` and `Boolean.||` does not list the arguments as by-name (=>).
If a very long @param name is used, Scaladoc does not put a space after the parameter name and before the explanation.
$ scaladoc -d ../target -cp . hiThere.scala
scaladoc error: ../target does no…
We should check what happens in:
- IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ)
- ScalaDoc
**Issue by [2beaucoup](https://github.com/2beaucoup)**
_Wednesday Oct 07, 2015 at 12:30 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/18660_
There's currently a lot of duplicat…
ktoso updated
8 years ago
``` sbt
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)
libraryDependencies += "com.github.mpilquist" %% "simulacrum" % "0.11.0"
``` scala
import simul…