### What happened?
I made some request by python after I called driver.quit()
Then a selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException is thrown.
Then I cannot make another request to the selenium hu…
### What happened?
Since https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/13802 was closed and cannot be reopened, I needed to create a new ticket.
As a user, I expect urls with embedded authenticati…
This is the QA's daily progress
Hi guys,
I'm having problems starting SGE 1.12.17 where hub doesn't start ok. I tried digging a bit through logs and I think I found a culprit. It seems that ever since selenium 3.5.0 (i.e. http://s…
Are there any examples of how to get it working, if it's possible?
One hub, multiple nodes testing windows applications.
### What happened?
When server is started with: `"--enable-managed-downloads true"`, you cannot start a firefox session.
It works when the grid sees:
### What happened?
We cannot easily understand whether a method is asynchronous or not. When we write code, we use synchronous methods and asynchronous beside. There is high chance to make a mistak…
### What happened?
### Context:
I'm trying to delete the node attach to the grid via below curl command
```cURL --request DELETE 'http:///se/grid/distributor/node/' --header 'X-REGISTRATION-SECR…
I know that Selenium stealth does not support remote webdriver. BUT, is really "remote"? Is there any hope of making this work:
driver = webdriver.Remote(
### What happened?
Whenever I try to click an element that is slightly out of the viewport, Firefox throws:
` Message:
OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotInteractableException : Element could not be …