yarn cli wallet export --create=true
yarn run v1.22.22
$ node dist/main wallet export --create=true
Hi, I'm coding and testing smartcontracts.
I want to test a smartcontract using `U256`.
`lib.rs` file is:
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use ink…
The idea is to create a simple smart contract, that would exchange one asset for another using Uniswap pool whenever the contract recieves one of assets from user. Contract address is resolved using E…
Optimism ['One Day Security Costs'](https://l2fees.info/l1-fees) are only showing costs for the [State Commitment Chain](https://etherscan.io/address/0x473300df21D047806A082244b417f96b32f13A33) (SCC) …
docker logs -f tracker
yarn run v1.22.22
$ node dist/main
throw new Error(`Cannot find the artifact file for contract \…
I want to be able to specify different providers so I don't have to provide pathRemappings.
@simonerom Changes were detected in the 'docs', 'examples', or 'smartcontracts' folder.
Please review the changes and update the docs portal if required.
The changes were triggered by this commit:
I can't deploy smart contract using Ledger Nano S as provider for Truffle
Here is my code for deploying on ropsten
const LedgerWalletProvider = require('@ledgerhq/web3-subprovider');
const c…
`vm.mockCall` currently has the following function signatures:
function mockCall(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata) external;
function moc…
@simonerom Changes were detected in the 'docs', 'examples', or 'smartcontracts' folder.
Please review the changes and update the docs portal if required.
The changes were triggered by this commit: