## Summary
For USA, the confirmed cases predictions for 24Oct20 are a little bit off by ~250.000, but deaths cases predictions are totally wrong (actual ~229.000, predicted ~455.000 almost doubled). …
## Summary of new feature - Suggestions
It would be very useful to implement a mechanism that handles cases when reliable recovered data cannot be provided, for example in situations where recovered …
## Summary
Stdout of `Scenario.estimate()` is not formated when we have 10th phase in the scenario.
## (Optional) Related classes
- `covsirphy.Scenario`
## Codes and outputs:
## What we need to document?
Could you please show how to load country specific data for a province. Not sure if its a bug, but I always get this error:
KeyError: 'Expected columns were not i…
## Summary
I tried to run the following complete example for Greece and to make a forecast:
import covsirphy as cs
data_loader = cs.DataLoader(directory="kaggle/input")
jhu_data = data_…
## Summary
As template, Scenario.clear() cannot use another scenarios except for main scenario.
## (Optional) Related classes
- `covsirphy.Scenario`
- `covsirphy.PhaseUnit`
## Codes and outpu…
## Summary
Scenario.combine(phases=["1st", "3rd"]) does not delete 2nd phase and raises ValueError.
## (Optional) Related classes
- `covsirphy.Scenario`
- `covsirphy.PhaseUnit`
## Codes and o…
## Summary of new feature
In version 2.5.4, we can remove all past phases and add past phases manually.
However, as mentioned by @SM-ins in #118, we sometimes need to change the start date of the 1s…
## What we need to document?
I want to compare scenario analysis for the same dates e.g.:
1. Get scenario analysis for 1 Mar 2020 to 30 June 2020
2. Simulate scenario from 1 July 2020 to 31 Augus…
## Summary
`Scenario.trend(include_init_phase=False)` (default) disables initial phase. This is because the number of cases is lower and it is difficult to estimate parameter values of models in init…