I've heard that solidity has some unexpected behavior that lead to smart contract risks. one example is where if you look up a non-existent item in a merkle tree, instead of returning an error, it ret…
Apart from Remix IDE - https://remix.ethereum.org/ which other IDEs can be used to code solidity effectively?
# Solidity
## 语言特性
1. 运行在EVM(以太坊虚拟机)上
2. 静态,支持继承,类库,自定义类型
3. 借鉴Python,javascript
4. 强类型:先定义后赋值再使用
## EVM
沙箱封装起来,完全隔离,运行在EVM的代码不能接触网络,进程,文件系统等, 仅合约之间有限交互
## Remix
> 开发智能合约的IDE
> 用vscod…
phymo updated
2 years ago
# related:
- [x] #337
- [x] #335
- [x] #336
I had this issue with most of the quizes and this has happened many times with every quiz in Solidity development and Foundry Fundamentals Courses
Without submitting the answer it gives out the …
### Solidity
**1. Em Solidity, o que acontece quando uma função marca explicitamente um erro com `revert`?**
a) A execução da função continua normalmente, mas um aviso é gerado no console.
b) A exec…
Hello! I have a question about this rule: https://github.com/solhint-community/solhint-community/blob/master/docs/rules/best-practises/custom-errors.md
I understand the encouragement to use the cus…
**Describe the bug**
I have the following code below that does not compile, because it cannot find a custom error from one of the dependency (`@erc725/smart-contracts`) part of `@lukso/lsp7-contract…
### Lesson
Lesson 5
### Could you please leave a link to the timestamp in the video where this error occurs? (You can right click a video and "copy video URL at current time")
_No response_
### Op…
### Event Admin Functions Solidity Contract
**Title**: Solidity Contract for Event Admin Functions on "Vibe to Earn" Platform
**Description**: Develop a Solidity contract to provide admin functi…