### Version
### What happened?
Trying to use embed, but I am getting some weird error about `edited query syntax` being invalid, but no pointers as to what's happening. I saw some issues rel…
### Version
### What happened?
when i run `docker run --rm -v "$(PWD):/src" -w /src sqlc/sqlc:1.26.0 generate`, but the generated files have `v1.25.0`.
### Relevant log output
### Version
### What happened?
If you rename a column using alter table, but have existing queries against the previous column, I would've expected `sqlc vet` to pick that up. It does not.
### Version
### What happened?
Can't generate the files, because it seems it can't unmarshal the `sqlc.yaml` file.
### Relevant log output
go run -mod=mod github.com/sqlc-dev/sqlc…
### Version
### What happened?
From https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc/issues/2416#issuecomment-1633767537, sqlc panics on the below query going back to at least version v1.14.0.
### Relevan…
### Version
### What happened?
when using emit_pointer_for_null_types my left join is []string instead of []*string
### Relevant log output
2024/10/11 18:20:31 can't scan into des…
Hi there! I'm really interested in using this tool, however as a user of SQLc, I require the schema to be available as SQL. Is there any plan to support outputting the DDL as SQL?
### What do you want to change?
The SQLite docs mentions that ["The ON CONFLICT clauses are checked in the order specified"](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_upsert.html#selector(exact=The%20ON%20CONFLICT…
خیلی خوشحال شدم بابت این کاری ک کردین من خودم .net developer هستم و خیلی دوست داشتم ک با زبان گو آشنا شوم و ازتون می خوایم درمورد orm هایی ک واسش وجود داره و فریمورک هایی ک واسه ی وب براش هست رو هم ا…