my vimrc
" syntastic config
set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
set statusline+=%*
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
let g:syntastic_auto_l…
Thanks for this plugin!
I lost a a few hours trying to write a function using system() for lightline by myself, but it was giving me bugs outputing movement keycodes everywhere.
- I would like t…
I found overriding `WinBar` highlighting group works randomly.
Even I override `WinBar` to `{ bg = '#000000' }`, `WinBar` hlgroup appears to be `{ fg = '#c8c093' }` **_most_** cases.
## How to rep…
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
Set response-code in an IIS Server like this:
\Yii::$app->response->statusCode = 500;
or create any critical php error (e.g. `echo 10/0`)…
### Feature already in Vim?
NVIM v0.8.0-dev-1024-ga220650fd6
### Feature description
Recently, I've found that if we `set cmdheight=0`, these two options will be hidden and cannot use s…
NEX-S updated
7 months ago
When switching focus away from an `ALEPreviewWindow`, I get the below error from vim-css-color:
Error detected while processing function 103_parse_screen: …
A command to print it, and making sure it can be displayed in airline. Even better if we can convert to an estimated $ cost. Could be a command to print the values, and more interestingly a lot of cus…
## Description
First of all thanks for making such an awesome plugin! From time to time I find myself prefer using pure ASCII text instead of nerd icons, but using the first character of kind names…
When using lualine the background colour doesn't match.
I made this change to make it work.
local M = {}
local utils = require("lualine.utils.utils")
---@param colors TmuxStatusCompone…
**Describe the bug**
I found that the statusline flickers when scrolling with `` or ``, with `syntax` and `number` set to `on`.
**To Reproduce**
1. Set `.vimrc` with the following contents: