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The resource storage scheme is sort of everywhere, and is requiring us to compromise on STL includes in SHELLmain.
1. We should probably create a special folder for resource containers and function…
I saw the struct_pack library supports many STL containers
but after testing, I regretted that this library does not support the smart point of C++ 11.
like shared_ptr etc.
for example, I have a…
Reported by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58399158/use-custom-allocator-for-stdregex-match .
Calling `regex_match()` or `regex_search()` with a `match_results` containing a custom allocator e…
Iterators are simple references to objects within the containers. Each container should support a being/end iterator and the iterator should support the ++ and -- operators. De-referencing the iterato…
Currently, every list passed to a StringCompare function is copied before operations are applied. This is due to the use of stl containers as input types and implicit conversions done by pybind11 (see…
Can't draw to QPixmap and save it as png.
Used to work at May 2011, with both arm g++ and x86 g++.
Probably memory corruption?
Better rewrite all new function with STL containers!!!
So far, only IntArrayMultiMap has partial support for custom allocators (but uses a few default stl containers on the inside lol).
I'm not much of a fan of using stl containers, but I'm lazy.
There is a new branch of ACADO, the one which should heavily use STL. Currently it is on my remote: https://github.com/mvukov/acado/tree/stlification. In the main `CMakeLists.txt` you can see what is …