This now happens automatically by default, so the functions aren't needed.
For example, this [module](https://github.com/supersimple/chameleon/blob/v2/lib/chameleon/hsl.ex#L13-L23) can be deleted …
Make a separate test file for each color model in the lib.
eg. `cmyk_test.exs`
when given a string as the input, the convertor should first try to find a match in Keywords and if it cannot find a match, then search Pantone. It is doing the reverse now, which is leading to ambigu…
Should maybe have some sort of form validation lib setup?
`Exception in thread "check-message-processor-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
at dvoraka.avservice.common.socket.SocketPool$SocketWrapper.initialize(SocketPool.java:141)`
For my lib: https://hex.pm/packages/json
It appears the default docs link: https://hexdocs.pm/json/ is going to the wrong version of the docs, which should be: https://hexdocs.pm/json/1.2.1/
Using hex 0.17.3
toddresudek@supersimple:alphabetify (master=)$ mix hex.publish --organization supersimple
Building alphabetify 1.0.3
Before publishing, please read the Code of Conduct:…
Hi, first of all, amazing project, thanks :)
It seems that Poloniex is failing somehow, I wrote the following supersimple code:
import ccxt
polo = ccxt.poloniex({
'apiKey': 'MYKEY',…
I'd like to recommend Stretchly to my students. However, from https://hovancik.net/stretchly/ it's hard to figure out how to download the software. Most users expect a large button somewhere that says…
So I'm trying to publish a new release of my package `ex_cldr_territories`
mix hex.publish
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