Currently the video player uses a black screen as a thumbnail. Let's see if we can use a screen grab from the video as the thumbnail instead.
It will be good to have a log file somewhere which counts the number of clicks on markers and stories, and video plays.
The Speaker model should have an additional string field: 'Community'.
Let's add a migration adding this field, and add it to the Speaker UI in Administrate and the Importer module as well.
We have i18n handling intro page, sidebar, and some Administrate content.
However, there are a few more things that we need to cover using i18n:
* The field names in the marker popup (`Region`, …
Currently, all the stories in the Sidebar are displayed in order of most recently added.
We would love to add an option that allows you to sort the list.
Let's start with just being able to sort a…
Currently, the place markers are placed on top of all of the map content, in some cases obscuring labels. We should work to improve the interaction between place markers and the map more directly, so …
It would be good to have an overview map added to the map. This is a small map to be placed in the corner of the main map, giving a broader overview of the current map extent/zoom level. Here a demo o…
Rather than all places being represented by one marker, they should have unique markers with colors from the style guide, depending on the type of place (a field in the place model).
Currently, the marker popups show the following content:
[title] (in the popup header)
It should be the following:
[title] (in the popup header)
Region: […