OS: Fedora Silverblue 28
CPU: AMD® Ryzen 5 1600 six-core processor × 12
GPU: Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10 / DRM 3.26.0 / 4.18.8-200.fc28.x86_64, LLVM 6.0.1)
With GNU Octave 4.4.1
See: https:…
OS: Fedora Silverblue 28
CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz × 4
GPU: Intel® HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2)
I was running a toolbox mmclab (https://github.com/fangq/mmc) and when running a…
## Rationale
The PorousFlow example `examples/flow_through_fractured_media/coarse_3D.i` asserts in debug mode
Assertion `i < _size' failed
Access out of bounds in MooseArray (i: 3 size: 3)
OpenCMISS documentation uses ReST's literalinclude directive to show code from an external source file inline. The directive includes a parameter(emphasize-lines) that allows particular lines from the…
As of commit cafe86a by @kyungjoo-kim, @trilinos/panzer has been broken, causing failures in tests for Panzer, Drekar, and Charon:
- e.g. velocity from deformed tetmesh
From personal email:
> I would like to know how I can add hole and region information in the input for TetGen? I have seen the signature for function igl::tetrahedralize function but cannot find prov…
- for geometry only
- should still look up the nearest primitive using xyzdist() but recompute the primuv manually (i.e. should result in negative coordinates outside the tetmesh)
- use code from he…
Following #160....
Determine if and how it will be possible to include DAGMC, especially with the built-in tetmesh capability as a possible control flow competition.