Implement adding equations into text.
Text in Activities is translated with Markdown.
Implementation must handle PDF generation with WeasyPrint.
This issue is somewhat selfish in nature. I prefer to use Function-Based Views, and would like to use WeasyTemplateResponse in these views with minimal boilerplate. Specifying `content_type` in the re…
Un peu plus compliqué que je pensais. Idéalement, le PDF devrait être générer sur le serveur au moment de la création de l’article. Idéalement, la mise en page utiliserait HTML et CSS. Les solutions e…
Improve the look and feel of the e-commerce website using CSS.
The aim is to make the site feel modern. You may consider the following challenges (optional):
- [ ] adding dark-mode support
- [ ] ad…
Do you think it could be possible to have access to font-awesome icons ?
By trying this 1) https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/813 or this https://github.com/rstudio/fontawesome, I was able…
Hello Everyone
There is a crash in PdfSharp when appending some of my PDF files to a longer master file. Attached is a minimum working sample that triggers this bug. Stacktrace is as follows:
[The `aspect-ratio` CSS property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/aspect-ratio) is not supported by WeasyPrint 59. Is there any reason for this?
Thanks for your help!
ideally with pre-rendering
I'm including an svg element like this:
When loading the .svg in a browser, the styling linked to the .svg is applied:
However, when loading the .html…
During Build with Spinx-simplepdf i get an error on every project:
`ERROR: No anchor # for internal URI reference`
This seems to come from the TOC anchor pointint to an empty internal reference.