See https://dashboard-testing.wikiedu.org/courses/test/wiki_output_%28test%29/timeline
The course starts 2016-01-01 (a Friday) and meets on Tuesdays. The first week of content in the timeline (ie, th…
I got a report from a user today, with screenshot, of Chrome on OSX telling her that dashboard.wikiedu.org is not secure.
One of the SSL checker sites raises a flag about an issue with intermediate c…
This course has two students enrolled, but it lists the student count as zero.
For this course, the instructor has been able to make edits to the course description, but attempted edits to the Timeline are not going through; when the instructor returns to the Timeline after leav…
@thenickcox @bmathews
There is no way to reach the links beneath the weeks list, because the right-hand section does not scroll or extend the window size.
Even on large screens, too many weeks resu…
An enroll link still takes a student directly to the Wikipedia login. For example, https://dashboard-testing.wikiedu.org/courses/Wake_Forest_University/Race,_Class_Gender_and_Sexuality_(Spring_2016)/e…
The markdown formatting doesn't work. See for example the link in the answer for the first explanation here: https://dashboard-testing.wikiedu.org/training/students/wikipedia-essentials/five-pillars-q…
It looks like it's only affecting the overall timeline scroll region, and not the left-hand timeline blocks column specifically... even though the grading is part of that left-hand column. So the effe…