Hi there, great project!
Is there a chance to use an rtc module like DS3231 I2C with this?
I would love to use the wordclock at work but have no access to wifi there...
The DS3232RTC library has changed significantly - with 1.3.0 the sketch compiles just fine, but as soon as you update to v2 (or 2.0.1), it fails to compile as follows:
Compiling sketch...
some of my users reported that they receive the following error with the newest download of the "ESPUI-master.zip".
Within Arduino IDE i did not get an update notification that there is a new…
When enabling to mirror the matrix then this is only applied to the WordClock and not to the other functionality like the WiFi symbol, IP-Address, etc. This makes the other features difficult to use w…
Hello i am setting up a 16x18 WordClock. And for this i thought that i use your software. However at present only the first half of the LED is used the 2nd half of the LED with the words for the hours…
I'd like to share my problem when I moved device tree and kernel from linux 4.14 to 5.15.
I'm using am335xx as base and have TLV320AIC3106 codec. Previously I was using yocto dunfell with kernel 4.…
### The problem
After upgrading esphome I get an error when compiling the code. I am implementing an [Custom Light Output](https://esphome.io/components/light/custom.html) where I import `FastLED.h` …
Is it possible to have the seconds (in numbers) added to the studio-clock? That would greatly add to the value for using this in a live broadcast environment.
Kind regards,
i have a question that i could not figure out so far by reading the documentation and many of the older reports i found here...
I am using uo to 12 color selectors ESPUI that send their cu…
Hallo @tali ,
da ich in den letzten Tagen etwas Zeit gefunden habe wieder am Code rumzubasteln hab ich mir Gedanken gemacht, wie es weiter gehen kann mit dem Projekt. So würde ich neben anderen Ve…