I'm transferring my site from http to https, and need to change URL scheme in `home` and `siteurl` from `http` to `https`.
In WordPress admin panel both "WordPress Address (URL)" shows `http://mysi…
Can't wait to try this plugin. Just ran into an issue and found this library via https://github.com/WP-API/WP-API/issues/2567
I see you have a `composer.json` file. I went ahead and added it to [pa…
@vinkla hi, can we re-open wordplate/multisite? what does "archived" mean?
I don't know if it's a normal behavior, the installer doesn't prospose to select any other language, only english is available in the setting.
When I move files (svg's, fonts, ...) in themes/wordplate/assets I can not access these.
ie I copy font with mix
const theme = 'wordplate';
Adding [Laravel Blade](https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/blade) support built into WordPlate framework. This will make it possible to write view files in Blade. Adding a new helper method called `view()` w…
One great feature I miss from bedrock is setting domain in .env file.
Using bedrock I didn't have to change urls in db when migrating site from dev env to prod. I simply edited .env file and it aut…
I wanted to add conditional logic, but failed to do so.
This is my set up:
// News / Blog items
$fields = [
'name' => 'banner',
'label' => 'Ba…
I usually use convention of the project I'm working in. For WP I use their standards for php e.g. extremely spacious function ( $whatever ) etc.
Why doesn't WordPlate adhere to the same standard?
To use worplate we need to customize vhosts. It's impossible on shared hosting. But some shared hosting use next structure: `site_folder/public_html/...`
That's mean, we can put our project…