TorchBench CI has detected a performance signal or runtime regression.
Base PyTorch commit: 329bb2a33e40f4bc76b2e061b180d3234984c91b
Affected PyTorch commit: 61239df555df02e8c60a2ad63363878a2a57…
TorchBench CI has detected a performance signal.
Affected Tests:
- eval-cuda-fp32:
- attention_is_all_you_need_pytorch[dynamo-blade (latency)] 5.893 -> 6.651, -12.8627%
- attention_is_all_you_nee…
For example, building a PrimeQA (multilingual) MRC model trained with both NQ and TyDI.
>import torch
># List available models
>torch.hub.list('pytorch/fairseq', force_reload=True) # [..., 'transformer_lm.wmt19.en', ...]
When running the above torch.hub command on 'pytorch/fairseq'…
TorchBench CI has detected a performance signal or runtime regression.
Base PyTorch commit: 61239df555df02e8c60a2ad63363878a2a57c161
Affected PyTorch commit: 871fc7bb76f05c3c487214404f687cf7a6a8e45…
### Describe the bug
I'm trying to fine-tune XLM-RoBERTa model on a German corpus for NER task. To handle the training loop I'm using the 🤗 Transformers `Trainer`, so first I need to define the tra…
Hi, thanks for the code!
I am trying to replicate MLQA scores (XLMR translate train multi-task) using this repo's code, but the score on zh language is wrong while the other is right.
'test_en': {…
I'm trying to fine-tune the pretrained model( by reloading the **mlm_17_1280**) on a custom dataset for MLM+TLM tasks. I've processed and binarized my dataset using the existing BPE codes and voc…
_mrglass created the following on Jun 08:_
_Original issue: https://github.ibm.com/ai-foundation/PrimeQA/pull/227_
hello, i just want to know the relation nums , because i find the relations nums in your paper is 18, but i just find 16 in your references, the 2 is span and same-unit?