执行install.sh 正确安装,
Error detected while processing function youcompleteme#Enable[3]..112_SetUpPython:
line 53:
/must>not&exist/foo:1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecat…
ubuntu 20.04, vim 8.1, nerdtree, vim-devicons, ycm + clangd
### Steps to reproduce
Follow installation instructions for Mac OS here: https://ycm-core.github.io/YouCompleteMe/#installation
1. brew install cmake macvim python
2. brew install mono go nodejs
.c的文件没有代码提示呢?centos系统。我默认安装上 编译c文件没提示呢。是不是需要安装YouCompleteMe?我下载好了 运行的./install.h 报错,Your C++ compiler does NOT fully support C++11. 有配套的安装教程么
I recently just install vim-gocode+YouCompleteMe with Vundle. I followed the instruction to install go, gocode but when I try to complete with Ctrl+x/o I get "Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not foun…
I've just tried with a quite fresh (yesterday) install of YouCompleteMe + racer completion, and any time I trigger a completion with `.` or `::` I get no results back (the stdout log of racerd shows `…
Vim disables Ctrl-U in user defined completion mode and Ctrl-O in omni completion mode. See https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/issues/24 for some detail.
It seems that the these keys are hard…
It would be interesting if arduino-builder could generate a "compilation database", as a side effect of building a sketch. This is a JSON file containing the gcc commands used to compile each file in …
I can't confirm that this is caused by this plugin, but this is the only comment related plugin I have, and I have `set nowrap` in my .vimrc -- Normal lines aren't wrapped, just comments.
# Issue Prelude
**Please complete these steps and check these boxes (by putting an `x` inside
the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
- [ x] I have read and understood YCM's [CONTRIBUTING][…