运行指令: deepspeed --master_port=24999 train_ds.py --version='./llava_path' --dataset_dir='./dataset' --vision_pretrained='sam_weights' --dataset='ade20k' --sample_rates="9,3,3,1" --exp_name="lisa-7b" --…
The reported results of the provided results of Segformer-B3 model trained on ADE20K seems not right.
[Here,](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/tree/master/configs/segformer) it says tha…
hello,Today I trained ade20k, but the loss stops at about 2 and I can’t go down
I followed the instructions under "Usage" and tried to run the following command:
python tools/infer.py --cfg configs/ade20k.yaml
I'm getting the error:
I am doing inference with the ade20k model and I am seeing that for the same input, I get a different output. I have saved the data and model variables to be always the same and yet I still ha…
There many missing keys and unexpected keys issues when evaluating the provided VMamab-T checkpoints wi
![Weixin Screenshot_20240318202429](https://github.com/MzeroMiko/VMamba/assets/70349180/a42013b…
run image_demo.py with the segmentation model produces bad result .
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '....../Cityscapes/config_new/train.txt'
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '....../ADE20K_2016_07_26/images/traini…
**Describe the issue**
I run the deeplabv3_r50 on A100 use ade20k dataset, the result is diff from the log in the doc.
Is some diff configs to yours?