WARN com.aliyun.oss [LogUtils.java:62] - [Client]Unable to execute HTTP request: SocketTimeout
在使用aliyun/aliyun-oss-react-native时,项目监控日志显示AliyunUploadManager空指针异常,代码中AliyunUploadManager mUploadManager = new AliyunUploadManager(mOSS);创建,也就是在OSSClient创建后同步创建的,问题会不会出现在OSSClient的创建过程中,请大神给些建议!
"react-native-aliyun-oss-cp": "^1.0.6",
client.AssumeRole(assumeRoleRequest) 返回的如题错误
func createClient() (_result *sts.Client, _err error) {
cf := &openapi.Config{
AccessKeyId: &config.G_CONFIG.Aliyun.AccessKeyId,
APITable's default OSS storage is MinIO, uploading attachments follows the s3 protocol
So, assuming you want to access the OSS cloud storage of Azure or AWS, how do you modify the code?
you can …
Can't import the pom dependency in the document.
I am using
`github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk v0.0.0-20181116160301-c6838fdc33ed` and without any changes on my code when making `BuildLifecycleRuleByDays` followed by `SetBucketLifecycle`.
It …
### 在json中配置writer为osswriter,确定ak、sk、endpoint正确,但是报错InvalidArgument
使用oss客户端可以正常登录,但是运行 Engine.entry(datxArgs)报错
```07-26 17:20:14.974 [job-0] WARN com.aliyun.oss [logException] [62] -…
kong-lingran@kong-lingran-None:~$ curl -s https://mojocn.org/get.sh | sh -
[sudo] kong-lingran 的密码:
Executing the setup script for the 'modular/installer' repository ...
OK: Checking for req…
我使用 flysystem-aliyun-oss 进行文件上传,文件可以正常上传到阿里云 OSS 服务器
但是生成文件 url 路径时就会报错 :This driver does not support retrieving URLs.
源码调试发现 Laravel 7 代码如下 :
// Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemAdapt…